we are looking for staff members

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  • Hello everyone,

    What are we looking for?

    we are currently looking for members who are interested in participating in various areas of our project!

    We are currently looking for Gamemasters, Community Manager, Discord Admin, Promotion Manager and Developer.

    What kind of server will we be

    We are a middleschool server that also includes a few newschool systems, there is a sufficient mix of both parts. Furthermore, we always try to make the best out of it. Besides, we continue to work on the development of our servers to provide the best possible quality. From various QoL features to different systems where we don't want to reveal more yet. We know our work and therefore know that we will stand out from the trash content.

    We have been working on the server for the last 6 months and are still making progress.

    If we have aroused your interest then contact us today and become a part of our team.

    Open positions that are urgently needed


    first and foremost, you will be responsible for player support.

    You should have a certain mental maturity and be of an appropriate age.

    You should be able to treat each other with respect

    You should always be uptodate to be able to answer all questions and master all the systems we have.

    You should be able to communicate in German and English, these are the 2 most important languages we require!

    Community Manager

    You are the representative of our community and always take care of answering questions similar to the Gamemaster. It's not always easy, but you always have to be respectful and keep a cool head. You listen to player problems or suggestions. First and foremost, you are the link between the community and the team.

    Discord Admin

    You know your way around rights management, server administration, maintaining various bots, ticket systems and maintenance work.

    Promotion Manager

    Here you should add me, everything else will be discussed internally


    For more information about this position, please contact us privately.

    Final word

    my Discord name is fela.mwaka


    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Best regards Fela

  • M3ragon

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet
  • System

    Hat das Thema geschlossen