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Server language: English
Server type: PVM medium/hard
Open channels: 4
Maxiumum level: 120
--- Stones can be upgraded up to +4 at Seon-Pyeong.
--- You should sell the stones you don't need, they're worth something.
--- You can drop stones +4 at the v3 Ice Witch.
--- You can drop stones +5 at the v4 Ice Witch.
--- Biologist quests up to level 90.
--- You can drop items that reset the waiting time.
--- Each metin stone you kill will give you 1 x Piece of Crystal wich can be used in the "Special Farm Crafting".
--- Each boss you kill will give you 1 x Crystal wich can be used in the "Special Farm Crafting".
--- Each metin stone has a chance to drop a + version wich is 5 levels above the normal one and has better drops.
--- From these metin stones with + you can drop 6/7 bonuses.
--- Each weekend there will be rates +100%.
--- Each sunday at 19:00 or 20:00 the "Red Dragon" will be spawned in Fireland.
--- For more informations join our discord server.