[C++ / PYTHON] Service & Systems for sale [**NEW SYSTEMS JULY 2024**]

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Ein Handel, der ohne die Anforderung einer Handelsanfrage getätigt wird, kann vom Support ausgeschlossen werden. Mithin ist es nicht möglich, den Handelspartner ohne eine Handelsanfrage zu bewerten.
Um eine Handelsanfrage zu erstellen, klicke auf in der Beitragsbutton-Leiste des Themenerstellers.

  • Hi, I would like to offer my services. My name is cream, I have several years of dev experience in metin2 and was one of the developers of the most successful metin2 private server in the past.

    What can I do?

    - Create systems from 0 (scratch)

    - extend / modify existing systems

    - Coding of UI's (Login, Charselect, ingame UI's, .. )

    - Fixing of bugs

    - Setup of the server or source and various upgrades.

    - Adding existing systems to your files


    - The price will be discussed individually. I accept Paypal or crypto.


    - Discord: ruth7877s

    Systems for Sell:

    Ikarus Shop Search rework


    New Systems avaible:

    Mount & Pet Nickname:

    Metin Scale and Damage Number Scale


    pity refinement & seal of god


    Biolog System

    direct dungeon warp, rejoin across channels

    Slot Color avaible

    Soccer Event

    Monster/Metin/Boss as Server/Empire Rates

    Leadership without Party:

    Ikarus Offline Shop - Shop Decoration

    Mount / Pet / Sash Skin System:

    Pet System

    Special Storage with Sort / Stack / Item Search Function + Safebox & Mall Category:

    Fast Sash (Auto) combine

    Scroll of Bonus Protection

    Wikipedia extension

    Guild System extended

    Metin Queue Attack mode

    Scroll of location - name update

    Alchemy Refine helper

    Switchbot (Sanii) Update

    Open chests without lag and direct count

    Global Player Ranking:

    Skills come back after Dispel:

    İkarus Offshop Grid Rework & Shop Search:

    Examples (not for sell):

    Mission List:

    Other Information:

    - Customization of offered systems to your source can cause extra costs. With the closing of this thread the claim for support ends.


    30 Mal editiert, zuletzt von cream ()

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  • cream

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