.​​​​​​​Shiroyasha | Unique Icon & Gameplay Service | Discord Management Service |

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    Gaming Icon Service

    #Why should you hire me for Icons?

    • I deliver unique icons for your game or project in a fast way.
    • I will work on every detail until it fits.
    • I research for you to find great themes.
    • Which serve as a template for your future icons.
    • I create unique gaming icons for all possible topics.
    • I send each icon as TGA / PNG in 32x32 & 100x100 format.
    • If you have special requests, this is also no problem.

    #Service on Demand

    • Upscaling
    • Colorize Pixels properly
    • highlighting
    • Shapening pictures
    • Effects for front & background
    • Frames
    • Event Icons
    • System Icons
    • Small UI Icons
    • Discord Emotes

    Discord Management Service

    #What exactly do you offer?

    • I'll create an useful Discord Server for your project.
    • For : Friends / Small Group / Working Place / Guild / Huge Communities
    • There is also something for streamers with a small community!
    • I will structure a beautiful server for you

    #Service on Demand

    • Creating a beautiful and clean server template
    • User friendly Layout
    • Channels & Categories
    • Roles & Permissions
    • Adding helpful discord bots & moderation engines
    • Discord Management for your Support Issues.
    • Community Functions like : Thread Mode | Shoutout | Event | Discord Entry

    Gameplay Concept Service
    What type of service is this?
    I am very creative and have a lot of experience in all type of games.

    Of course, everyone wants to design his own project with his own ideas.
    But some things didn't run as aspected or you couldn't find a solution for it.

    Sometimes it's small adjustments that can influence a system, an event or the entire gameplay.

    You want to integrate a new system, but you don't know if it will go down well?

    You may overlook small details.

    You want new events for your server?

    You don't have any ideas or don't really know whether your own implementation is promising?

    All what you need is a great structure to plan your next project successfully!

    I can also plan an entire gameplay for you.

    Modern gameplay with the most useful QoL changes.

    Whether oldschool, middleschool or newschool.
    Perfect details & drops for your unique server!

    But I will not accept any reworks of old concepts!

    Neither Aeldra nor other concepts are of interest!

    Let the old concepts die in peace and dedicate yourselves to the future.

    #Service on Demand

    #Important : I'm not a Developer & i have no server files!

    • Gameplay Concept for unique & classic OLD / MIDDLE / NEWSCHOOL
    • Gameplay Concept for unique & classic Systems
    • Gameplay Concept for unique & classic Events
    • Epic Storyline for your Project!
    • Independent quest ideas
    • New Bonuses
    • New functions for Gameplay
    • Support for Alpha/Beta Phase & Test/Live Server
    • Concept via Notepad++ & Trello / Discord
    • Modern Team & Tester Structures
    • Quality Assurance / Management
    • Preparation for updates
    • Adjustment of EQ bonuses
    • Drop Files
    • Refine Files
    • Spawn Locations for Farming Maps

    Prices are regulated individually & by arrangement.

    Currently I only accept Paysafecard & Amazon Voucher as payment.

    You also have to pay in advance!

    A possible splitting of the payment is also possible by arrangement.

    I do not accept scammers, poor admins & annoying 2nd accounts.

    Therefore, if you are seriously interested, you should end up in my PM's with your original account.

    You can reach me on Discord at .Shiroyasha .

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    18 Mal editiert, zuletzt von .Shirolein () aus folgendem Grund: new offers

  • Aze

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  • Onyxia

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  • .Shirolein

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