Dungeon teleport error(packet header)

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  • Hello!

    I get an Unknown packet header error, especially when I teleport to a dungeon (all characters are teleported at once). I have removed all systems from the source and the problem also occurs.

    The error: when porting to a dungeon, the image freezes, the character cannot be loaded, but the camera can be rotated, the inventory can be opened, etc.

    I see this bug in sysser:

    1. SYSERR: Apr 19 12:55:09 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 3
    2. SYSERR: Apr 19 12:55:09 :: Process: UNKNOWN HEADER: 47, LAST HEADER: 3(4), REMAIN BYTES: 8, fd: 21

    There is no header 47, and I have already checked header 3, no problem there.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • SolitaryVoice1362

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