Professional Web Developer for Metin2 Servers

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  • Dear forum members :),

    I am pleased to introduce myself as a professional website developer with over 5 years of experience in the field of web development. I have had the privilege of creating websites for some of the most successful and popular Metin2 servers, and my work has consistently been of the highest quality.

    I have previously offered my services exclusively to server owners behind the scenes, but I am now opening my services to the wider Metin2 community. My websites are built using the latest technologies. I also tought of posting some free resources which you might find useful in the future, so stay tuned.

    As a developer, I am particularly interested in long-term projects that require extensive development work, but also one time website purchases. I offer competitive pricing, flexible working hours, and fast turnaround times.

    If you would like to discuss your project requirements in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me via Discord or email.

    (I reserve the right to carefully select my clientele based on the scope and nature of their project.)

    Thank you for considering my services.



  • Onyxia

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet