ZitatWith the version 17.3, GameForge implemented new immunity conditions where he gains full damage immunity (MISS) as long as there's even just one of his 4 different Metinstones alive. The Stones still keep their effect, and this makes the Metin of the Mountain (8031) basically useless since it used to increment his damage resistance by 25%.
The update 21.3 increased the number of Metinstones in the map to 8, it was 4 previously. [Respawn time: 2.5 minutes per stone] I'll include the change in the regen for that. It also changed the dungeon's entry conditions, but since everyone's got different quests for the dungeon, I don't think it's worth putting it here.
Location: char_battle.cpp -> bool CHARACTER::Damage:
Below the following snippet:
I've also linked the code to a game eventflag, so you can freely disable it by typing the following:
Zitat/e ignore_dragonlair_new_immune 1
And this is the change that has been done to the regen in 21.3 [data/dungeon/dragon_lair.txt]: