Informations about ULTIMA2007
ULTIMA2007 is about preserving your memories of yesteryear.
With a total of 12 languages, we offer an all-round multi-language server on which you and your friends can lead a guild like back then.
We set out to create a completely new experience for Metin2.
With the offline shop, various dungeons of our own and our own maps, we want to create and offer a completely new experience
We dont own a website or anything like that.
Our entire registration and everything related to the server takes place on our Discord server
In order to keep our Discord up to standard and respectable for players of all ages, we need a well trained Discord Team to essentially moderate the Discord.
If you think that you are smart, can use common sense, have free time and want to help maintain order on our Discord, please read further!
Minimum Requirements:
- At least 16 years of age since legal documents need to be signed
- Being familiar with the Metin 2 Game.
- Being able to use Voice Channels for Support.
- Highly important that you are fluent in both understanding and written English
- Being able to communicate with people of different ages.
- Most important, having free time to volunteer towards the community in the form of moderating.
We offer:
- A challenging but friendly environment.
- The opportunity to help make a difference in an ever changing community of players.
- Learn and expand your knowledge in moderating a Community.
How to apply?
- Write a Email with all Informations to [email protected]
- In the Subject of your Email, please write "Application for Discord Moderator on ULTIMA"
Your application must consist of the following:
- Full legal Name
- Discord Username
Tell us in 150 words:
- Why you applied
- How you can benefit our community
Your ULTIMA Team
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