[SELL] Performance Boost by sura_head

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  • Performance Boost - Addon

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.

    What it does:
    - We moved everything in playerSettingModule to cpp so less callbacks are needed.
    - We load effects, models, motions, guild resources & general information multithreaded.
    - You can enable & disable as you like with define ENABLE_PLAYER_SETTING_MODULE.
    - introLoading.py can be removed as needed.
    - All important files can be customized by simply changing/adding/removing from vectors.

    What you get as a Surahead customer:
    - 25% discount
    - Full support for implementation by hand or with a patch file from me.
    - Adjustments if you have problems with systems you have added or will add in the future.
    - Explanation of all changes if needed.

    What you get as a NON Surahead customer:
    - Implementation by hand.

    Price: 100€

    Payment method: Bitcoin, Cryptovoucher.io

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.

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