Characters Position Delay Problem Search for a dev how can fix it for a good price!

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  • Have a nice day!:)

    Our server is looking for a developer who can solve a serious problem. The position of the characters differs greatly from the real one. If we open 3 clients, let's say client A and client B and client C, we are in the same position with client C and client B sees this, but after 10-20 minutes the position of client A sticks to the same position as clients B and C and clients B and C do not they see that the client is still moving, they see him in the very first position. Exactly for moment (5Min) u cant see client A movement after 5min the char walk the real position. We would like to correct this error with the help of a competent developer, and if the error can be eliminated, we will of course pay the necessary money. :)

    Gif and videos from the problem:

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    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    My discord: DisLoyal#1128

  • Aze

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet
  • System

    Hat das Thema geschlossen