Hallo, unzwar habe ich den Offical Char Select eingebaut der aber standart nunmal den Lykaner hat nun ist das problem das wen ich auf Char erstellen gehe ein blackscreen kommt und ich nicht weiß wie ich es abändern soll hab es in mehreren variationen versucht und bekomme es irgendwie nicht hin.
- 0225 20:01:06824 :: File "uiPhaseCurtain.py", line 61, in OnUpdate
- 0225 20:01:06824 :: File "networkModule.py", line 150, in __ChangePhaseWindow
- 0225 20:01:06824 :: File "introCreate.py", line 316, in Open
- 0225 20:01:06824 :: File "introCreate.py", line 420, in EnableWindow
- 0225 20:01:06825 :: AttributeError
- 0225 20:01:06825 :: :
- 0225 20:01:06825 :: 'module' object has no attribute 'WOLF_MAN'
- 0225 20:01:06825 ::
- 407 def EnableWindow(self):
- 408 self.reservingRaceIndex = -1
- 409 self.reservingShapeIndex = -1
- 410 self.btnCreate.Enable()
- 411 self.btnCancel.Enable()
- 412 self.btnPrev.Enable()
- 413 self.btnNext.Enable()
- 414 self.editCharacterName.SetFocus()
- 415 self.editCharacterName.Enable()
- 416 for page in xrange(PAGE_COUNT):
- 417 if page == 2 and constInfo.WOLF_WOMEN != "DISABLED" and constInfo.WOLF_WOMEN == "ENABLED":
- 418 SLOT_COUNT_TWO = 5
- 419 else:
- 420 if constInfo.WOLF_MAN != "DISABLED" and constInfo.WOLF_MAN == "ENABLED":
- 421 SLOT_COUNT_TWO = 5
- 422 else:
- 423 SLOT_COUNT_TWO = 4
- 434
- 435 for slot in xrange(SLOT_COUNT_TWO):
- 436 chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(page, slot)
- 437 chr.SelectInstance(chr_id)
- 438 chr.BlendLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT, 0.1)
- 461 def __SelectGender(self, gender):
- 462 slot = self.slot
- 463 if constInfo.WOLF_WOMEN != "ENABLED" and constInfo.WOLF_WOMEN == "DISABLED" and slot == 4 and gender == 1:
- 464 #if gender == 1:
- 465 for button in self.genderButtonList:
- 466 button.Down()
- 468 self.genderButtonList[gender].SetUp()
- 469 return
- 470 elif constInfo.WOLF_MAN != "ENABLED" and constInfo.WOLF_MAN == "DISABLED" and slot == 4 and gender == 0:
- 471 #elif gender == 0:
- 472 for button in self.genderButtonList:
- 473 button.Down()
- 475 self.genderButtonList[gender].SetUp()
- 476 return
- 477 for button in self.genderButtonList:
- 478 button.SetUp()
- 481 self.genderButtonList[gender].Down()
- 482 self.gender = gender
- 483 if gender == 0 and self.slot > 4:
- 484 slot = self.slot - 3
- 485 elif gender == 1 and self.slot < 4:
- 486 slot = self.slot + 3
- 487 if gender == 1 and self.slot > 7:
- 488 slot = self.slot - 3
- 490 for i in xrange(9):
- 491 chr.DeleteInstance(i)
- 493 chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, slot)
- 494 chr.CreateInstance(chr_id)
- 495 chr.SelectInstance(chr_id)
- 496 chr.SetVirtualID(chr_id)
- 497 chr.SetRace(chr_id)
- 498 chr.SetArmor(0)
- 499 chr.SetHair(0)
- 500 chr.Refresh()
- 501 chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL)
- 502 chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT)
- 503 chr.SetRotation(0.0)
- 505 distance = 50.0
- 506 rotRadian = 82.0 * (math.pi*2) / 360.0
- 507 x = distance*math.sin(rotRadian) + distance*math.cos(rotRadian)
- 508 y = distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - distance*math.sin(rotRadian)
- 509 chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x), int(y), 30)
- 510 chr.Show()
Schonmal danke für euere Hilfe falls ihr helfen könnt.