new way to manage bonuses which one do you prefer?

  • Which one do you prefer? 7

    1. First idea (1) 14%
    2. Second idea (0) 0%
    3. Third idea (0) 0%
    4. all three ideas (0) 0%
    5. i don't like this (6) 86%

    My idea is to manage bonuses in a completely different way than it has always been done until now.

    Also to give a diversification to the classic gameplay of metin2, not distorting it.

    And I would like to know which one you would like the most

    The first idea: Manage bonuses like an upgrade.

    Through the bonus adder we can choose the bonus that we will need, and it will be put in the lowest variable (5%). to increase it by variable, you need to find the bonus upp, which will allow you to bring the bonus to the next variable, but with a% success. for example from 5% bonus to 10% the success rate will be 70%, obviously the more you go towards the last variable the lower the success will be

    The second: You can drop the bonus changer only 24h. Infact, they will be given every 24 hours through a daily mission. The bonus changer will last for 5/10 minutes.


    You can drop items to craft the bonus changer inside some dungeons, which however can only be accessed through particular items, and only at certain times

    What do you think of these 3 ideas, and which one you like best.

    If desired, all 3 could also be applied.

    Let me know, thanks.


  • SolitaryVoice1362

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