Steht im Titel ^^^^^^^^
Habe In der Item Proto selbstverständlich Quest item & NONE gesetzt.
Habe auch zur sicherheit nochmal ne alte Warpring Quest eingebaut die ging auch.
Quest :
- quest warptest begin
- state start begin
- when 70007.use begin
- local warptab = {
- --[[ Möglich:
- empire
- minlvl
- maxlvl
- minalign
- maxalign
- is_gm (true)
- eventflag
- ]]
- ["Reiche"] = {
- ["subs"] = {
- ["Map 1"] = {
- ["subs"] = {
- ["Shinsoo"] = {["x"] = 4096+646, ["y"] = 8960+585},
- ["Chunjo"] = {["x"] = 0+635, ["y"] = 1024+640},
- ["Jinno"] = {["x"] = 9216+382, ["y"] = 2048+643},
- },
- },
- ["Map 2"] = {
- ["subs"] = {
- ["Shinsoo"] = {["x"] = 3072, ["y"] = 8192},
- ["Chunjo"] = {["x"] = 1024+430, ["y"] = 2048+351},
- ["Jinno"] = {["x"] = 8192, ["y"] = 2048},
- },
- },
- ["Gildenmap#1"] = {["x"] = 1285, ["y"] = 10, ["empire"] = 1},
- ["Gildenmap#2"] = {["x"] = 1795, ["y"] = 10, ["empire"] = 2},
- ["Gildenmap#3"] = {["x"] = 2718, ["y"] = 130, ["empire"] = 3},
- },
- },
- ["Standardmaps"] = {
- ["subs"] = {
- ["Burgschlacht#1"] = {["x"] = 9752, ["y"] = 1330, ["empire"] = 1},
- ["Burgschlacht#2"] = {["x"] = 9772, ["y"] = 1850, ["empire"] = 2},
- ["Burgschlacht#3"] = {["x"] = 9239, ["y"] = 1836, ["empire"] = 3},
- ["Tal von Seungryong#1"] = {["x"] = 4021, ["y"] = 6739, ["empire"] = 1},
- ["Tal von Seungryong#2"] = {["x"] = 2704, ["y"] = 7399, ["empire"] = 2},
- ["Tal von Seungryong#3"] = {["x"] = 3213, ["y"] = 8080, ["empire"] = 3},
- ["Wueste#1"] = {["x"] = 2718, ["y"] = 6272, ["empire"] = 1},
- ["Wueste#2"] = {["x"] = 2219, ["y"] = 5027, ["empire"] = 2},
- ["Wueste#3"] = {["x"] = 3440, ["y"] = 5025, ["empire"] = 3},
- ["Berg Sohan#1"] = {["x"] = 4342, ["y"] = 2906, ["empire"] = 1},
- ["Berg Sohan#2"] = {["x"] = 3752, ["y"] = 1749, ["empire"] = 2},
- ["Berg Sohan#3"] = {["x"] = 4918, ["y"] = 1736, ["empire"] = 3},
- },
- },
- ["Dungeons"] = {
- ["minlvl"] = 40,
- ["subs"] = {
- ["Doyyumhwaji#1"] = {["x"] = 5994, ["y"] = 7563, ["empire"] = 1},
- ["Doyyumhwaji#2"] = {["x"] = 5978, ["y"] = 6222, ["empire"] = 2},
- ["Doyyumhwaji#3"] = {["x"] = 7307, ["y"] = 6898, ["empire"] = 3},
- ["Geisterwald"] = {["x"] = 2887, ["y"] = 57, ["minlvl"] = 60},
- ["Roter Wald"] = {["x"] = 11199, ["y"] = 708, ["minlvl"] = 80},
- ["Land der Riesen"] = {["x"] = 8451, ["y"] = 7459},
- ["Daemonenturm"] = {["x"] = 5905, ["y"] = 1105, ["empire"] = 3},
- ["Spinnendungeon"] = {["x"] = 600, ["y"] = 4960},
- },
- },
- }
- -- Ab hier nichts mehr Ändern.
- local wp = {}
- -- Kategorien
- local function create_list(nm,index)
- table.foreach((index or warptab),
- function(i,l)
- local x = (nm or '')..'#/'..i
- --print(i,x)
- if l.subs ~= nil then
- create_list(x,l.subs)
- wp[x] = {["type"] = "kat"}
- else
- wp[x] = l
- wp[x]["type"] = "warp"
- wp[x]["kat"] = (nm or '')
- end
- end
- )
- end
- --Erstelle Liste der vorhandenen Warps
- create_list()
- local function show_menu(id,kat)
- local index = id or 1
- -- Funktionen START
- local function count(str,del)
- local out = 0
- for i in string.gfind(str,del) do
- out = out+1
- end
- return out
- end
- local function trim(str)
- str = string.gsub(str,'.-#/','',index)
- return str
- end
- -- Funktionen ENDE
- -- Erstellen der Warpliste f??elect2
- local wl,co = {
- ["list"] = {},
- ["data"] = {},
- },1
- table.sort(wp)
- table.foreach(wp,
- function(i,l)
- if count(i,'.-#/') == index then
- local function cc()
- -- Da es viele If's sind, nicht extra eingerückt
- if l.empire == nil or l.empire == pc.get_empire() then
- if l.maxlvl == nil or pc.get_level() <= l.maxlvl then
- if l.minlvl == nil or pc.get_level() >= l.minlvl then
- if l.minalign == nil or pc.get_real_alignment() >= l.minalign then
- if l.maxalign == nil or pc.get_real_alignment() <= l.maxalign then
- if l.eventflag == nil or game.get_event_flag(l.eventflag) == 1 then
- if l.is_gm == nil or pc.is_gm() == l.is_gm then
- if l.type == "kat" then
- local str = '> '..(string.gsub(trim(i),'#%d+',''))..' <'
- wl.list[co] = str
-[str] = l
-[str]["name"] = i
- else
- local str = (string.gsub(trim(i),'#%d+',''))
- wl.list[co] = str
-[str] = l
- end
- co = co+1
- end -- gamemaster
- end -- eventflag
- end -- maxalign
- end -- minalign
- end -- minlvl
- end -- maxlvl
- end -- empire
- -- if Block ende
- end
- if index == 1 then
- cc()
- elseif kat ~= nil and string.sub(i,1,string.len(kat)) == kat then
- cc()
- end
- end
- end
- )
- -- Ausgabe
- table.sort(wl.list)
- table.insert(wl.list,1,8)
- if index ~= 1 then
- table.insert(wl.list,'Zurück')
- end
- table.insert(wl.list,'Abbrechen')
- local sel = select2(wl.list)
- if sel == table.getn(wl.list) then return end
- if index ~= 1 and sel == table.getn(wl.list)-1 then
- local nextkat = function()
- local t,out = split(kat,'#/'),''
- table.foreach(t,
- function(i,l)
- if i < table.getn(t) and i > 1 then
- out = out..'#/'..l
- end
- end
- )
- return out
- end
- show_menu(index-1,nextkat())
- return
- end
- if[wl.list[sel]]["type"] == "kat" then
- show_menu(index+1,[wl.list[sel]]["name"],kat or nil)
- return
- else
- pc.warp([wl.list[sel]]["x"]*100,[wl.list[sel]]["y"]*100)
- end
- end
- show_menu()
- end
- end
- end