skill damage bonus against boss

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  • Hello, i'm trying to create a new bonus skill damage against boss, I wanted to ask if you think this part is correct of if it should be written in a better/other way? thank you

    1. if (pAttacker)
    2. if (pAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS) || pAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS_2))
    3. if (IsMonster() && GetMobRank() == MOB_RANK_BOSS)
    4. dam = dam * (100 + pAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS) + pAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS_2)) / 100;
    5. else
    6. dam = dam * (100 + pAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS)) / 100;
    7. dam = dam * (100 - MIN(99, GetPoint(POINT_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS))) / 100;

    it gives me this warning during compilation and i would like to remove it if possible

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  • SolitaryVoice1362

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