Hello ,
Am searching for a web developer to create me a website with an responsive simple desing my budget 300€
1. News: 1) Allow news in multilanguage (different languages).
2) See the latest news published in "big".
3) View the previous news in a list (with details) and paged.
4) Option to add an image to the news (small banner above).
2. Multilanguage: 1) Allow to choose between 5 languages:
- English.
- Spanish.
- Romanian.
- Italian.
- Portuguese.
2) Adapt all modules to work with multilanguage.
3. Downloads: 1) Choose platform (mega, mediafire and google drive).
2) When choosing a platform, the platform logo is automatically placed on the download.
4. Ranking: 1) Mini ranking on the main page with a maximum of 10 players and guilds.
2) Players:
- Show character's face next to name, level, guild, kingdom flag, country flag.
3) Guilds:
- Show guild name, leader name, score.
4) Complete ranking with a maximum of 30 and paged (same data and well adapted to the design), players on the left and guilds on the right.
5) Ranking of votes (name of the main character of the account (highest lv) and number of votes).
6) Ranking of referrals (name of the main character of the account (highest level) and number of invites).
5. Donations: 1) ePayouts:
- Improve module design.
- Donations log.
2) Paypal:
3) E-payouts Api module !
- Improve module design.
6. Referral system: Allow inviting people by generating a registration link controlled by IP.
7. Upcoming event: 1) Show the next event.
2) Allow to add an event banner.
3) Allow adding event time.
4) Allow to add a description of the event.
8. Video Gallery: 1) Show a main video in "big"
2) Show several small videos below the main one (in kind of a slideshow).
9. Statistics: 1) Show in banner (Players online and Players online last 24h)
2) Show below aside:
- Players online.
- Players online last 24h.
- Characters created.
- Accounts created.
- Pie chart showing how many characters are created in each kingdom.
10. Image slideshow: Allow to add the image paths in cms and read them directly.
On the main page show: 1) Header (login (modal adapted to the design), registration (modal adapted to the design), downloads, donations, rankings, 2D presentation).
2) Banner with statistics.
3) News on the left and statistics on the right.
4) Ranking (characters on the left and guilds on the right).
5) Image slideshow.
6) Video gallery.
People with reference
Scamers stay away from this theard
Contact me on discord : Sukh#0816