WarRage looking for volunteers!

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    Hey-ho people!

    I am looking for serious individuals to join an upcoming project. Specifically in charge of moderating the game and promoting it .

    In hopes that we created something unique and stunning while still maintaining Metin2 core ideas, we will try to push the server to the very top of this scene. For this we need you! If you would like to be a part of something different than current always-same-old-school-type-trend hit me up and we will discuss it in detail.

    Also, it would be impolite of me if I did not bring some of the basic information about the server. It is set to be International so speaking English is mandatory. It falls into a middle-school genre with a maximum level cap of 150 levels, but do not let that scare you away. If you wish to see more about this project, you are free to scout the internet under the name Metin2 WarRage for more graphical content.

    We have been in the development phase for quite a long time and the time has finally come to show our creations. If you are willing to join us, you can contact me through Discord (You can find my ID at my profile).

    Kind regards


  • SolitaryVoice1362

    Hat das Thema geschlossen